Do Pets Affect Condominium Prices?

A recent academic study in the US indicates that condominium prices are affected by whether or not pets are permitted or prohibited in the condominium. The researchers came to the conclusion that there was a premium on prices for condominium units with unrestricted...

Bad Faith and the Costs of Ignoring a Court Order

The Ontario Court of Appeal recently released its much anticipated decision in the ongoing Boily saga. You may recall from previous blog posts that the directors of an Ottawa condo corporation were held in contempt of court for violating a court order to restore...

Condominium Act 2014? Manager Licensing

The sensational stories in the news over the past few years, about condominium corporations left with depleted reserve funds as a result of fraud by condo managers, has now piqued the government’s and public’s interest in the regulation of the property management...