by CAI Canada | Jul 7, 2017 | Uncategorized
John Carmichael, Member of Parliament for Don Valley West recently introduced a private member’s bill that prohibits any person to prevent the displaying of the national flag of Canada so long as the flag is displayed in a manner befitting this national symbol, the...
by CAI Canada | Jul 7, 2017 | Uncategorized
The potential issues that condominium corporations have to deal with appear to be limitless and there is no predicting what kinds of situations and controversies the Board will need to grapple with. I recently spent a week’s vacation at a Florida condominium. Here are...
by CAI Canada | Jul 7, 2017 | Uncategorized
In the latest issue of Condo Voice Magazine, Denise Lash discusses the potential liabilities that condominium corporations face in relation to swimming pools and hot tubs in condominiums. The Condominium Act provides that for the purposes of occupiers’ liability, the...
by CAI Canada | Jul 7, 2017 | Uncategorized
Toronto’s condominium boom shows no sign of stopping – as of June 2013, there were a record 251 condominium buildings under construction in the GTA. One City councilor, though, wants some of the “signs” of this boom removed. Josh Matlow, councilor for ward 22, has...
by CAI Canada | Jul 7, 2017 | Uncategorized
The Condominium Act provides that the affairs of the condominium corporation are to be managed by a board of directors elected by the owners. Should the owners become dissatisfied with board members or the way they manage the corporation’s assets, the Act provides a...
by CAI Canada | Jul 7, 2017 | Uncategorized
CAI Law Reporter recently reported a case decision from Ohio, dealing with whether a condominium association assumed liability for a pool drowning because of the installation of video surveillance cameras in the pool area. Laila Nader was a 73 year old resident in a...