Massage Parlours in Condos – Illegal Activities

Recent news of massage parlours spreading into residential buildings, should be a wake up call to condominium directors and managers who may not be monitoring the activities in their condominium communities. Massage parlours and brothels are not new to condominium...

Court Decisions

Many condominiums collect license plate information from residents for several reasons including parking enforcement. As such, it is important to take note of the Leon’s Furniture Limited v. Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner). Leon’s stores in Alberta have...

Denise Lash on The Grid’s Expert Panel

In a recent issue of The Grid newspaper Denise Lash was interviewed as part of an expert panel that provided the answers to the top 10 questions about buying a condo. You can read Denise’s full commentary as part of this panel by clicking on the article:  The Grid...

Condo Owners Forced Out By Fire

A recent article in the Toronto Star, Marco Chown Oved reported that residents of a condo building that caught on fire a few weeks ago will be out of their units for several months before the fire-damaged generator can be repaired. Some of the residents indicated that...