Condominium Santa Clause

We have written previous blogs on getting ready for the holiday season and ensuring that rules are in place to deal with holiday decorations.  One condominium developer has gone as far as incorporating into the condominium documentation access rights to deal those who...

When Police Arrive at Your Condo

There may be time in which condominium corporations will be approached by the police and the board will be called upon to assist in some manner. We were recently contacted by one of our clients to advise as to whether the board of directors and management should...

Court-Appointed administrators (Part Two)

In my recent blog posting, I discussed the factors that courts will consider before setting aside an elected condominium board of directors to impose a court-appointed administrator. Below are some examples where the courts have intervened and appointed an...

Prohibiting Dangerous Offenders in Condos

In the U.S. steps have been taken recently by some condominiums and homeowner associations to ban sex offenders from their communities by amending their Declarations. Their motivation in doing so is to protect children but also to ensure that the market value of their...