Dealing with Conflicting Restrictive Covenants

In a recent case, Oxford Common Elements Condo Corp. No 73 (“OCECC No. 73”) v Greenbury, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice reaffirmed the principle that in instances of overlapping restrictive covenants, the least restrictive covenant will take priority. The...

Denise Lash Quoted in CondoBusiness

Denise Lash was quoted in the article ” When political canvassers come knocking,” which appeared in CondoBusiness Magazine. Under Section 118 of the Condominium Act, political canvassers are allowed reasonable access to condominium properties. However, as Denise...

How to Tame a Rogue Condo Board Member

Have you ever dealt with a bullying or disruptive board member? Sometimes referred to as a “rogue”, this director can arise almost unsuspectingly, wreaking havoc on board meetings and threatening the effective and efficient business of your condo corporation. Sound...

A Win for Trump Tower

Justice Brown of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice recently dismissed an action against Toronto’s Trump International Hotel & Tower (“Trump Hotel”) in Kim v Trump, the latest twist in a story that has made the headlines over the past year. Trump Hotel provides...