Joseph Salmon is featured in the latest edition of the Condo Voice magazine, in his article “Conflict Between Condominium Declaration and Religious Practices”. Joseph discusses the issues faced by condominium corporations enforcing their declarations, by-laws and rules and when corporations should use discretion and obtain legal counsel prior to enforcement. Joseph explains situations where owners have displayed religious items on the exterior of their units in keeping with their faith and traditions.

“Common practice amongst most members of the Jewish faith is to affix a small ritual item on their doorposts known as a mezuzah, which contains biblical verses written on parchment.”

He also points to examples where condominium associations in the United States unsuccessfully tried to force owners to remove the mezuzah.

“A Florida condominium association was deemed to have discriminated against a unit owner when it threatened her with a fine if she did not remove her mezuzah from her exterior door.”

You can read Joseph’s commentary beginning on page 58 of the Condo Voice magazine. For more information on obtaining a copy of the Condo Voice, please contact CCI at the link provided.