Halloween is just around the corner. This is a time when ghosts and goblins run amuck!

Over the years there have been a number of stories of haunted condos that have made the news. One owner even posted a photo of a purported ghost in the owner’s condo.

Apparently ghosts are more likely to be found in condominium conversions rather than in newly- built condominiums. There have been reports of a former factory inhabited by the ghosts of some of the previous workers, and patient and medical staff ghosts visiting a former hospital site turned condo.  Then there are the two condo owners in BC  who reported a couple of years ago that they had encountered many ghosts in their condo. Interestingly enough, part of the condo property was formerly a cemetery. Those condo owners claimed that the spirits were angry about the removal of the original gravesites.

It is also reported that spirits are likely to appear in buildings where a violent crime was committed.  A former security guard of a condo building in Waikiki, was convinced that there was a ghost in the garbage room. He later discovered that years before, a man had murdered his wife and stuffed her body parts in garbage bags which ended up in the garbage room. However her head was never found. The security guard believed that the wife’s ghost was looking for someone to help her find it or was afraid to move on without it.

If there are strange noises or voices, flickering lights or disappearing items in your condominium building without any logical explanation, perhaps ghosts are the answer –  but of course, proving that will always be a challenge, particularly to non-believers, like me!  Condo board members and managers, be prepared……..